Can a blog change your life? Depends. I must say that when I created this blog, I had no idea what I wanted from this blog. I can say, honestly, that this blog helped me in this short time. I'm not gonna say that it changed my life, because that would be ridiculous, but the small thoughts that I shared, the comments that I received and all the blogs that I now read, all those small things can make a change. A small change perhaps, but a change nevertheless.
I sense that. A few weeks after starting this blog, I was able to see that there's a lot of guys going through my situation, and several who already went with similar situations. The idea that you're not alone is quite comforting, specially if it seems that you're bearing a heavy weight on your shoulders. I only hope I was able (or I'm being able) to transmit a small joy of what a great experience it has been to write and to share all the small things that happen in my life. Because it's impossible to fix your life all by yourself.
And no, this is not a goodbye. It's just occurred me to say.
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